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6 Hacks to Make You a Moving Ninja

Moving Tips and Hacks

by PODS Posted on September 18, 2018

Preparing for a move is a lot of work, but a little preparation can make a big difference. Here are six moving hacks that will help save you time and frustration. (No, one of them isn’t “Make friends with a person with huge biceps.” But that’s not a bad idea.) Also, don't forget to check out our complete moving checklist!

1. Take pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.

How did those books fit on that bookshelf just right? What was on top of the piano? How was our computer set up? Don’t spend your time guessing and upset. A good moving hack is to take pictures of your home — particularly the parts that resemble a jigsaw puzzle— before you move, and you’ll know how to put everything back in its place when you arrive.

2. A baggie is your best friend.

When you disassemble furniture for your move, where will you put all of those screws, wooden pegs, and Allen wrenches that only fit that one size of nut? Take the furniture apart, stick all the small parts in a baggie, and — unless your furniture is priceless — tape the baggie to your furniture. When you’re ready to put things back together, voilà! Everything is right where you need it to be.

3. Leave no space unpacked.

Maximize your portable container or truck by using every inch of packable space. Anything that’s hollow is a candidate for having something packed in it — the ukulele will fit in the piano bench, the coffee pot will hold the box of filters, the lamp fits inside the (cleaned out) trashcan — the possibilities are endless. Your luggage should be packed to the brim. On a related note, breakables can be packed in dresser drawers cushioned by clothing, or even inside socks!

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4. Social media = free boxes.

Moving boxes can be spendy, and often you don’t use them more than once. Save that money for a celebratory dinner out once you’re in your new place, and instead of buying new boxes ask your local friends on social media for their old ones. Imagine how relieved your friends will be when they see your post about your move, and you’re NOT asking for help! All you’re asking for is empty boxes. Everybody wins.

moving hacks

5. To label boxes is human. To color code, divine.

It goes without saying that you should label your boxes. But it’s time to up your game. Color coding is a great way to reduce stress while moving. You’ll be doing a favor to the people who help you move if you color code your boxes instead of making them decipher your handwriting. It’s as simple as buying a pack of multicolored pens to label things by room (red ink for the kitchen, purple for the master bedroom, etc.) or buying multiple colors of duct tape to stick on boxes.

6. Pack your “now” items like you’re taking a seven-day trip.

Once you move, you’ll need immediate access to all kinds of things — clothes, a laptop, a checkbook, toiletries, pet food, etc. Whether you’re packing your car with immediate-use items or putting them in a few “open first” boxes, make sure you have the supplies you need for five to seven days. Life happens, and you may not unpack as quickly as you think you will. Make sure you are set for a week if all you manage to unload is your car or a few boxes.

clothes moving hacks

At PODS, we know that moving is both exciting and stressful. We hope these moving tips make moving day and the days that follow a little easier.

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