How Do I Store My Stuff During a Remodel?
Remodeling and Renovation Tips
When you're planning a home renovation, one step that may get lost amid all the tempting ideas and clever remodeling tips involves a very practical question: How will you store your stuff while it’s happening? That's right: When you're remodeling kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, or really any part of the house, you’ll want to make sure you remove your belongings first to make room for your contractor and protect your stuff.
Before you look for a place to put your things, remember that a major remodel is a lot like a move. Often multiple rooms of your house are going to go from one place to another, even if that just means from the old space to the remodeled space. That means you’ll want to pack up your belongings carefully (Check out our storage checklist for helpful tips!). Label boxes well and take pictures, if needed, to make sure your post-remodel move-in is successful.
But where do you put all of that stuff? We’re glad you asked, because there are many options that might work for you, depending on your situation. Here are five ideas for how to store your stuff during a remodel:
1. Stuff the garage
We bet you’re more thankful than ever for that two-car garage. Now that you’re remodeling, your extra garage space is exactly what you need. Put your well-packed boxes on shelves or on a tarp on the floor of your garage. The downside is that sometimes a garage is where moisture, cooler or warmer temperatures, or critters hang out. You know best whether your garage will be a good place to keep things safe during your remodel.
2. Pick another room in the house
If you have the space in your home, you can store things in another room. This isn’t an option for many people, who may already be hurting for space in the midst of a remodel, but if your house is large enough, more power to you. Rooms in your house generally have the benefit of being drier and cleaner than the garage, so they make a great place to store things during a remodel.

3. Use the phone-a-friend option
Remember the “phone-a-friend” option on the TV show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” That’s an option when you need help storing things during a remodel, too. If you know a friend with an unused room in their house, a big garage, or an outbuilding with space, this may be the time to hit them up. Sometimes, sharing space is an easier ask than helping you move — after all, remodels end after a few weeks or months, and you’re not asking them to help you with physical labor. Be extra careful not to harm your friend’s house as you bring your items in. (And don’t use the phone-a-friend option too often, or your friends may stop answering the phone!)

4. Rent a portable container
Well, naturally this was going to make our list, because we’re all about portable storage. If you don’t have a garage, an extra room, or a friend who can help, why not have a portable storage container delivered to your door that you can fill and have driven to a secure Storage Center? You can always retrieve items you need at your facility or even have the unit delivered to you again if you need to get something out of your container. For a remodel, you’ll likely find our 8-foot container* perfect for storing a room or two of stuff.
5. Use self-storage
If you have a simple way to move your things or you’re not averse to schlepping, you can rent a storage unit from a self-storage facility. Make sure you understand how their deposits and leases work — you don’t want to sign into a six-month lease when your remodel only lasts six weeks. Finally, make sure the facility doesn’t have any problems with moisture or rodents. As long as you’ve got those ducks in a row, self-storage can be a reliable option.

Remodels can be a dusty mess, and your belongings will be best protected if you move them and store them somewhere else while the remodel is happening. Use our packing and loading tips, pick whichever storage option above makes the most sense for you, and you’ll have one less thing to worry about. And that’s always something to celebrate. Good luck with your remodel!
*PODS is constantly upgrading its container fleet and container sizes may vary slightly from one model to another.
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