17 DIY Garage Storage Ideas To Fit Your Budget
Home Organization Tips
When it comes to organizing areas of our homes, the one most often overlooked — perhaps on purpose — is the garage. In fact, it’s probably where all of our stuff goes after we complete a cleaning-out project. It’s easy to stash our things in a room made for storage, but using the garage as a home junk drawer can quickly cause a big mess. If you’re ready to sweep up that pile of brooms, untangle the bikes, and finally figure out what to do with all those tools, then we have some tried-and-true DIY garage storage ideas for you. And don’t worry, they’re all affordable and practical tips for organizing a garage!
Pro Tip: As you prepare to tackle the organization of your garage, consider using a PODS portable storage container as a staging area to sort through everything. |
1. Set Aside Enough Time To Get the Job Done.
This one may seem obvious, but sometimes people get so excited to tackle a home DIY garage storage project that they jump right in without a plan or enough time carved out of their day (or days). DIY garage organization can be incredibly time-consuming, so don’t kick things off at 10 p.m. unless you’ve got the coffee pot ready and no alarm coming early the next morning.
As a best practice, set aside a weekend or entire day — or at least a good five to six hours — to account for the cleanout, organization, small fixes, and trips to the home improvement store.
Q: How can I organize my garage without spending money? A: DIY garage organization doesn’t require going out and purchasing one of those storage systems that costs thousands of dollars — no matter how nice it is to look at. Instead, you can get garage storage on a budget by doing a major decluttering, taking advantage of the space and items that you already have (you probably already have a small collection of totes that have just been collecting dust, don’t you?), and even building some shelving units yourself. Total cost to you? Not nearly as much as that shiny, new, and super-expensive storage center. Keep reading to find out more! |
2. Gather the Right Materials.
Sure, the goal is to get things out of the garage, but you may need to bring a few things in to get the DIY garage storage job done right. Some handy items to have include:
Trash Cans and Heavy-Duty Trash Bags
You’ll likely be tossing a lot of old, unused stuff you just don’t have a need for anymore.
Cleaning Supplies
You don’t want to store dirty items, do you? This is a good opportunity to give your things a proper cleaning.
Notepad and Pen
You’ll want to make a list of what you’ll need to start your garage organization projects — like pegboards, hanging hooks, or plastic storage bins (more on these very soon).
Drills, Hammers, and Other Tools You’ll Need
They’ll come in handy if you’re creating some DIY garage storage options.
Before you sort, you need to toss.
(Source: @whambamorganized via Instagram)
3. Decide To Declutter.
You may not be ready to hear this, but you need to go through everything in your garage before you carry out those DIY garage organization ideas. Yes, even that scary pile of lawn chairs, tiki torches, and bent rakes in the corner. It doesn’t have to be intimidating, though! You just need to get in the decluttering mindset.
- Instead of putting everything into one big pile or trying to tackle your entire garage at once, break the space into quadrants.
- Sort through one section at a time, grouping items in categories: tools, lawn care, cleaning supplies, recreation, etc.
As you declutter, put things in a bin or box that can be donated. Maybe there are even some items you can sell. If something is irreparably broken, put it in the trash.
Having trouble deciding what to discard? A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t used it for a year, you won’t miss it.
Q: How do I organize my garage full of stuff? A: First, you make a plan. Then, you make the time to get it done. DIY garage organization involves going through each item and determining whether it needs to stay or go — and that takes a lot of time. From there, you divide your “keep” items by category and then find the right bins or containers to neatly store them in. Displaying the storage containers on shelves will ensure they are easy to access yet out of the way. It may seem overwhelming at times, but the end result is well worth it! |
Use a PODS container for extra storage during your DIY garage organization project.
4. If It Needs To Stay, Stow It Away.
You may be wondering what to do with seasonal items like your Christmas tree, strands of twinkle lights, and that bulky turkey fryer. These are things that you only use once a year, but they’re taking up valuable garage real estate.
To reduce that clutter but still have easy access to those things, consider renting a small storage unit or portable container. This could be used for seasonal storage or serve as a short-term storage solution while you complete your garage organization project.
For example, a PODS container can be delivered right to your driveway in no time. This allows you 24/7 access to all your stuff, just steps away, giving you time to sort everything, add shelving, or even organize items for a garage sale (the goal is to end up with more usable space, right?).
Contain smaller, oddly shaped items in clear or opaque bins.
(Source: @cwhome_charlotte via Instagram)
5. Contain Yourself.
Need some DIY garage organization ideas? Plastic bins are a quick and inexpensive way to get the job done. Once you’ve grouped your things into categories, put them into bins and add labels. Use these tips for choosing storage boxes, though, before throwing things into the first available bin.
6. Don’t Drill If You Don’t Wanna.
Maybe you live in a rental and can’t go buck wild drilling holes. Or maybe you just want to find the quickest way to get your items stowed away. Regardless of your reason, it’s totally possible to do some garage storage DIY without actually installing any type of storage system. How, you ask? Two words: freestanding storage. Hang those bikes on a freestanding rack that simply leans against the wall. Stack those totes on a freestanding shelving unit that can be moved anywhere. Basically, if you have the stuff to store, you can easily find a freestanding unit that will do the job — without breaking the bank, too!
Build shelves to make the most of your garage’s vertical space.
(Source: @homesweethomewithsusan via Instagram)
7. Buy or Build Shelves.
One of the best DIY garage organization ideas is to make the most of your space using shelves. This is especially true if your items fill up several plastic containers. You can purchase an affordable and sturdy storage rack at a home improvement or bulk store.
Want to channel your inner carpenter? Watch this how-to video with steps for a simple one-person DIY garage storage shelving project:
- When stacking your bins, put the most commonly used items on the middle shelf for easy access and anything hazardous or dangerous on the top rack, so it’s out of the reach of children.
- To store smaller items, like nails and screws, use a muffin tin or small plastic lunch containers with dividers. You can either keep these smaller containers at your workbench or inside a toolbox or chest.
Q: Is it cheaper to buy or build garage shelves? A: That depends. Do you want a few basic shelves or an entire shelf system? Similarly, are you pretty comfortable in the woodworking department, or would this be a new DIY endeavor? Typically, building garage shelves would be cheaper than purchasing prefab, but that assumes you’re not making anything too ornate, you know what you’re doing, and you do it correctly the first time (meaning you don’t have to buy more materials). |
Free up floor space with hanging racks, hooks, and high shelves.
(Source: @simplyorganized via Instagram)
8. Go Vertical.
How do you maximize storage in a small garage? One of our favorite garage organization ideas is to go from floor to ceiling with your storage solutions. A great way to make the most of a small space is by using pegboards, wall mounts, and hooks for smaller hand tools. Consider investing in a vertical bike rack, as well, to free up valuable floor space.
Pegboards are cheap and simple to install, and you can paint them to create a more customized look. However, it's important to note that they can’t support heavier items.
9. Create a Workstation.
After a successful decluttering session, you may find yourself with room for a small garage workstation. This doesn’t have to be an expensive or time-consuming project. Repurpose an old chest or desk and — voila! — you have a new garage workspace. Now you can tackle projects without messing up the kitchen table!Store seasonal and lesser-used items near your garage ceiling.
(Source: @clickhmo via Instagram)
10. Don’t Stop Until You Reach the Top.
There’s valuable storage space right above your head. That’s right — the ceiling can be used for storing items like ladders, camping gear, seasonal items, and other things you rarely use. Install racks or shelving close to the ceiling for large boxes, coolers, backpacks, and more. You can even put hooks on the underside to hang lighter-weight items.
Pro Tip: Don’t want to go the DIY garage storage route? Or are you wondering how to organize an unfinished garage? You can easily find metal versions of shelving that hang from the ceiling. They are installed in minutes, don’t involve any other garage area, and leave the perfect amount of room for your car to be parked underneath! |
Wondering, “How do I make storage for my garage?” This video shows you how to install shelves in the often-wasted space above the garage door:
11. Get “Reel” Creative With Your Watering Tools.
Did you know that you can move your hose inside your garage without it taking up much space? It’s possible with a hose reel, which keeps the hose neatly coiled — no kinks here — and out of the way. This isn’t just great for DIY garage organization; it also protects your hose from tangles and weather damage.
12. Commit to Consistency.
Found the perfect bins? The perfect hooks? The perfect shelving? Then stick with it! A lot of DIY garage storage systems are just that: systems. All of the parts and pieces are specifically made to complement each other, in turn making the storage system as effective as possible. The best part? You can purchase the items in the collection piecemeal, making it work with your specific budget. Oh, and that cohesiveness sure does look nice, too.
Create a sports station with hanging baskets and racks.
(Source: @amynolenrealtor via Instagram)
13. Get Sporty.
If your kids always drop their soccer gear by the back door or your husband props his golf bag on the garage wall, you could probably use a sports station. All it takes is a few racks, hooks, or open bins, and you can say goodbye to tripping over cleats or rolling the basketball out from under the car.
Use a hanging mesh bag to contain loose balls, attach a few hooks to hold tennis racquets, or install a simple drying rack to air out that sweaty athletic gear. Looking for a place to store those tennis shoes? Here’s a how-to video for creating a low-cost shoe rack with PVC pipe:
14. Behold the Power of the Fold.
One of the biggest garage space-sucking culprits is your large lawn care equipment — more specifically, your lawn mower. If yours is taking up valuable real estate, consider investing in a folding lawn mower. With its collapsible design, a folding mover can be stored in a tight space or on a heavy-duty wall hook.
15. Create Zones.
Speaking of workstations and sports sections, the most organized garages are those that have designated “zones” for specific things. This way, your things won’t be lost or forgotten once they’re sorted and stored. For example, holiday decorations can be in their own zone, camping equipment can be in their own zone, and winter sports equipment can be in their own zone. Need some inspiration? Borrow some ideas from Theresa Finnigan of Organized Living:
You can even organize your zones based on how often items are accessed. Before you know it, you’ll be begging someone to ask you where something is in the garage just so you can see how quickly you can get to it!
Q: How do you plan a garage layout? A: Putting items in their own “zones” is a great way to group things in your garage. It’s not only organized, but you’ll also know exactly where to locate your stuff when the time comes. Put your more-used items, like tools or sporting equipment, in an accessible spot, while holiday and seasonal items can go further out of reach. To keep track of everything, make a simple map of your garage layout, and don’t forget to label the bins. |
16. Bag Those Cushions.
When the weather turns cold or rainy, do you toss your patio cushions into your garage and call it a day? There’s a better way to handle the job, and it’ll save you much-needed space. Place your outdoor furniture cushions in dedicated bags to protect them from dust, moisture, and pests. Pick a compact design to hang the bags on hooks or stack the bags on garage shelving.
17. Don’t Go It Alone.
One of the most tried-and-true DIY garage storage ideas is having a dedicated clean-out companion (or two). Even though it’s called “do it yourself,” that doesn’t mean you’re required to work solo. It’s always good to have an extra set of hands and another opinion when it comes time to make organizational decisions. After all, many hands make light work.
Are you ready to reclaim your garage? With a few simple and cheap DIY garage organization ideas, you can transform the space from cluttered to clean. And guess what? You may actually be able to get your car in there finally!
LB Gabriel is a freelance writer who lives with her husband, daughter, and Golden Retriever in Memphis, TN. A frequent PODS Blog contributor, she's a sucker for any tip she can find on downsizing, cutting clutter, or minimalist living. When she's not on a deadline, you can find her on a tennis court or golf course.
(Source for image featured at top: @fitzjustrightny via Instagram)
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