Scalable Projects

World Central Kitchen Opens Pop-Up Kitchen

by PODS for Business Posted on April 24, 2019

The pop-up model may seem like a simple idea — people need help, services come to them — but in reality, it can be challenging on multiple levels.

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Save Money and Streamline Jobs by Ordering Supplies in Bulk

by PODS for Business Posted on March 14, 2019

Ordering construction supplies in bulk can offer contractors an easy way to save money and streamline their business processes.

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A Lot of Ca-Ching for (Almost) No Work

by PODS for Business Posted on February 24, 2019

Shopping centers are buckling up and thinking of new ways, however small, to bring in ancillary income. One of those solutions: monetize parking lots.

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How PODS Helps Sports Facilities in Smaller Cities Increase Their Event Calendar

by PODS for Business Posted on November 26, 2018

Sports facilities and arenas in small cities and towns face different challenges when it comes to filling up their event calendars, and PODS can help.

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